Thursday, October 30, 2008

Julie's back from Romania!

Dear Friends,

Thank you all for praying for our trip to Romania. It can all be summed up in one word—“Amazing!”

It was amazing to be with our team. We praise God for the leaders of the Central European Resource Team (Alex) and the Eastern European Resource Team (Igor). They are men who really love the Lord and have a desire to help the ministry grow in its outreach within their region. I enjoyed spending time with their wives, too and playing with Alex’s two boys. We enjoyed good fellowship and lots of laughs while we were all together in Bucharest. We also were able to see the new curriculum in use on Sunday which was very exciting. Being with the kids was a special treat!

We traveled by train to Cluj and were greeted by the National Ministry Team with open arms. Our team in Romania is amazing! The staff was busy preparing for the board meeting, which we attended, and the national conference for children’s workers. The board meeting was insightful and we again are praising the Lord for people who have a strong desire to minister to the children.

The conference was amazing! We both enjoyed teaching and sharing in between sessions. We met so many individuals who are passionate about children’s ministry. They are thrilled to have ideas and materials to use in their Sunday schools and we’re thrilled to have a small part in helping them to be effective in their ministries.

The second Sunday we attended the evening service at a church in Cluj where we were able to participate in their harvest celebration. The music was amazing and we enjoyed watching the children’s group perform several songs. It was extra special since we had just spent time with the children’s leader at the conference.

Traveling back to Bucharest by night train was not quite as amazing, but still interesting. We said good bye to Igor and Natasha on Monday and on Tuesday Joe, Alex and I made our way to the airport where I boarded a flight back to the States and the boys headed for Egypt.

My trip home was amazingly uneventful. I followed the crowd and managed to make all my connections. My luggage even came with me. It was great to be home, but I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to travel with Joe, to visit friends, to help new teachers, to see new sights—to experience God’s blessings in such amazing ways.

Thank you for being a part of the blessing!


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