Dear Praying Friends,
Normally, I have emailed you just prior to a trip, giving you my itinerary and asking you to pray me through it. However, due to a communication glitch, the email requesting your prayers in advance did not go out. Therefore, I'm sending you now a report on the trip instead! I'm sure you were praying (as the dates for the recent trip to Egypt were outlined in our most recent newsletter) so THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!
I was pleased this time to be able to join a team from Voyagers Church in Irvine, California (about an hour or so from where we live in Temecula). It was so great to see all the gifts of the different team members being used by the Lord in the lives of Egyptian children's ministry leaders.
Upon my arrival, the 10 of us piled into a minibus and a car and headed toward Alexandria, 3 hours away. The conference center where the children's workers conference was to be held was right on the Mediterranean Sea and the the view was spectacular even though the weather was the worst they'd seen in 15 years!
In spite of the horrible weather, 230 children's workers arrived within a few minutes time. The group was mostly young people and there were LOTS of men. This is an unusual sight at a children's workers gathering. Women ages 30-50 normally make up the majority of the group, but not at this conference. Every spare minute, on every break, attendees inundated team members with children's ministry questions - about everything from classroom discipline challenges to complex spiritual issues.
I was taken aback by the number of children's workers asking me about sexual abuse. It seems that the problem is growing but the society is not growing in it's ability to deal with the issue. Every teacher who asked me about it said that their fear was that the parents would blame the child if it were known what was going on. Egypt is a spiritually dark place and this is just one more confirmation of that fact. The conference center was called Beit El Salaam, which means "place of peace" in Arabic. It was truly a haven for these storm beaten servants. It's not easy being a evangelical Christian in Egypt, let alone a children's worker. These precious people were so in need of encouragement. They packed into the worship center for every session - no one skipped out of various sessions as you see at American conferences. They were so eager to hear what was shared and took copious notes during every class.
At the close of the conference, most attendees boarded buses headed to the various locations throughout Egypt. Some would travel several days on various modes of transportation before they would eventually get back home to rest. We boarded each bus and bid farewell with a prayer for safe journeys. As I was saying goodbye, I thought of you.
What a privilege to know these people and serve them. What a privilege to know that boys and girls in churches and communities throughout Egypt will be touched by the ministry of this conference. What a privilege to be sent by you, our prayer and financial supporters. Your ministry of prayer and giving is making a difference for real people like Yousef and Meham and Sylvia and Michal and Mofida and Ayad and...Joe and Julie and Jonathan.
With much love and thanks,
Joe and Julie and Jon
With much love and thanks,
Joe and Julie and Jon
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