Friday, August 24, 2007

Prayer Update - 8/24/07

Dear Praying Friends,

As you receive this email, we are entering into the final week of preparations for our move and for our trip to Egypt. We're very excited about our new home and feel God has directed us to it. When finally there, we will be relieved, but right now, it's just boxes, boxes and more boxes. Things with the owner of our home have gotten stranger by the day and we can see now why God directed us elsewhere. Even though the actual move-in date isn't until September 14, we need to have everything packed up before…

We leave for Egypt September 1 and will return September 8. Please mark these dates on your calendar and PRAY with us!

September 1 we'll leave the San Diego Airport at 11 am and travel to Egypt via Rome

September 2 we'll arrive in Cairo and will be met by our Egyptian EGM leaders

September 3 we travel to Sharm el Sheikh conference center via local Egyptian air transport

September 3-7 we'll share at the EGM Staff and Board Retreat

September 7 we fly back from Sharm el Sheikh to Cairo (check out the location on a map of Egypt!)

September 8 we'll leave Cairo (after a very short night of rest) traveling to the US via Paris

September 8 we hope to arrive back at the San Diego Airport at 8 pm

While we're in Egypt, please pray for Jonathan, who will be staying behind with friends in order to stay current with school commitments. Pray for safety in the journey and for safety of the believers who will host us. Pray, too, that we will be able to effectively encourage and train the Egyptian national Christians who lead the EGM ministry in Egypt. This "face-time" is so important as we seek to lovingly influence the national team in positive ways.

September 11, our son Joe will arrive. He'll be with us through the weekend to help out with the move. He's going to be a great help and we're thankful for him.

September 14 is our move day and everything must be done on this day because the next day…
September 15 we will be sharing at St. James Church in Orange County. This church has been a special blessing to EGM over the years and when they invited us to conduct an all-day training event for their children's ministry team, we jumped at the opportunity to bless them in return. This date was selected months before we even knew we'd be moving, so we're trusting the Lord to give the strength that will be needed.

The week of September 16 will be a "normal" work week for us, with the exception of the appointment for our final inspection at our "old" house. Please pray for a good result and full deposit refund even though the relationship is strained.

Our prayer partners are so valuable to us. Thanks so much for your partnership in the ministry. We will endeavor to be in touch with you soon. Thanks for praying! We count it a privilege to be serving the Lord alongside YOU for the sake of lost children around the world.

Joe, Julie and Jonathan Cox

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