Friday, October 27, 2006

Prayer Update - 10/27/06

Hello, praying friends.

I'm in Budapest, Hungary today, participating in a training course for those who lead our children's ministry training conferences here in Hungary. This morning 9 Hungarian children's ministry leaders will gather in the EGM Hungary office for the 2 day training event. I just completed my time in Romania where I participated in a conference for children's workers. I can't begin to tell you in words what it meant to hear their hearts to reach the children and learn the incredible difficulty under which some of them are doing ministry.

I thought I'd share a few photos with you so you can see what it is you're praying for. You are all so precious to me. I wish I could have had you along. The pictures are:

1. Some of the precious children's ministry leaders enjoying a workshop I led on how to really love children through the problems they face and help them share their feelings through the process, this was a completely revolutionary idea to most of them, I later found out.

2. My translator, Alex, and I sharing in the first large group session about foundations of effective children's ministry work.

3. They loved the crafts I brought over for them so another workshop leader could show the teachers how to use crafts to teach the truths of God's Word.

4. The required group picture - all participants and conference speakers.

5. The team that led the conference - a mixture of Romanian national leaders and EGM staff from the USA. By the time the conference was completed, we'd forgotten which was which! Praise the Lord for the opportunity to serve alongside such quality people. The lady in the black on the back row shared so many wonderful stories of serving the Lord under the years of communism - questioning by the police, smuggling Bibles, imprisonment of many friends, etc. We were praising the Lord for the privilege of having this conference in freedom!

Thanks so much for sending me here to these faithful children's ministry leaders! I return to the States on October 29/30 and will leave again for Chile on November 1. This is a fruitful but heavy time of ministry and Julie and I are both feeling the wear and tear! Thanks for lifting us up in prayer!!

Appreciating you as never before,

Joe Cox

Friday, October 13, 2006

Prayer Update - 10/13/06

Hello, faithful prayer partners!

If you’re in a big hurry, here are a few specific prayer needs. If you have time, check out the letter below to get more info. We appreciate you so much!

-Joe, Julie and Jon

Abbreviated Prayer Requests (more info below)

1. Pray for the three dinners in November where EGM friends will be introduced to the International Curriculum Project.

2. Pray for the whole family as Joe travels October 16-November 5 to Romania,Hungary and Chile.

3. Pray for us to find a church home in the Murrieta area.

We have new California cell phone numbers! Please make a note of them and give us a call at…

Joe 951-795-1279

Julie 951-795-1579

Jon 951-795-1318


Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for our family and the ministry of Every Generation Ministries! Do you know that your prayer ministry makes a difference? It does! It encourages us so much to know you will receive this prayer email and immediately talk to the Lord on our behalf. God bless you for your part in seeing churches around the world equipped to effectively ministry to children.

Special thanks to those who so faithfully lifted us before the Lord during our “wedding season.” We’re thankful to see both of our daughters married to neat, Christian guys and feel the weddings brought honor to the Lord. Immediately following Elisabeth’s wedding September 23, we headed back to California for our first-ever EGM International Ministries Staff Summit, held at the “Cox Conference Center!” Our regional leaders and ministry reps met together for 8 days – what a sweet gathering! God really bonded our hearts together and gave us all an increased vision for His work among children around the world. Joe led the meetings while Julie participated between playing hostess and preparing meals for the gang.

On Saturday, October 7, Julie and I headed south of the border to Ensenada, a Mexican city just about 3 hours south of Murrieta, to meet Mexican Christian leaders who are excited about EGM’s plans for expansion to Mexico. It was great to hear one pastor’s heart for the children. During a tour of his humble church facility, he got down on his knee and said (in Spanish), “This is how I tell our children’s ministry leaders to meet the children. It’s our first step in saying we are here for them.” It reminded me of Matthew 18:4,5 where Jesus reminds us to humbly receive the children. Thank you, Lord for this visual reminder!

One need that comes up again and again is the need for curriculum resources. EGM has begun the process of addressing this need with an international curriculum initiative which will be introduced to donors and friends of EGM at three dinners November 2, 17 and 30. Please pray for God to stir the hearts of those will give the over $100,000.00 needed to make the project a reality for children’s workers around the world who have no curriculum to use as they seek to have excellent children’s ministry in their churches.

I’m on the road again starting Monday. Please remember to pray for Julie and Jon while I’m away and follow me with your prayers!

10/16 - Depart for Budapest, Hungary

10/17 - Drive to Cluj, Romania

10/18-21 - Romania Children’s Worker’s Conference

10/22-24 - Meet with Romanian EGM Staff

10/25 - Travel back to Budapest

10/26-29 - Training event for those who lead the training conferences

10/30 - Travel to US

11/1 - Travel to Santiago, Chile

11/2-3 - Chile EGM Board Training

11/4 - Pastor’s Conference

11/5 - Travel to US

As I journey, please know that I take you with me in my heart and often describe you to those I’m reaching. It always touches them to know I have a team of faithful prayer warriors like you behind me.

Joe (for the Cox Family)

PS: Please feel free to forward this information to those you think will appreciate having it. If you need to be removed from our list at any time, we understand and will do so – no questions asked and no hard feelings.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Prayer Update - 9/14/06

Dear Prayer Partners:

If you're in a big hurry and are reading LOTS of emails right now, you'll appreciate this abbreviated list of prayer requests. I know you take praying for us seriously and we so appreciate that. If you want to know more, you'll enjoy scrolling down for a report on my recent trip to Chihuahua and a calendar of events for upcoming ministry.

Thanks for praying for:

1. Wisdom concerning balance in our lives as our schedule is very full this fall and we want so much to keep our priorities in line with God's. (See calendar of events below, and PLEASE PRAY!)

2. A decision concerning a church home. We are feeling the very real need to get established in a community of believers, but haven't found a place we feel comfortable calling home yet. This is especially important for Jonathan but we all feel the urgency of this situation.

3. A special time with family as our daughter, Elisabeth, is married September 23.

Report on Chihuahua Discovery Trip

Krysten Norkaitis, our Latin American regional director, had heard there was great interest in Every Generation Ministries in the area surrounding the city of Chihuahua in Mexico. A dear friend of the ministry, Octavio Jimenez (a respected Christian leader from Ensenada) was willing to help us connect with some pastors and church leaders and assisted us in setting up a trip to better understand the children's ministry needs of the churches.

After some initial inquiries, we were told that perhaps 5-10 pastors could meet with us so we could share the possibilities of establishing an EGM ministry presence in Mexico and specifically in Chihuahua. We planned to fly to El Paso and drive the 5 hours to Chihuahua and were excited about the possibilities. The day before we left, we got a call from our key contact in Chihuahua. He said he'd been making some calls and the number of people at the meeting had grown just a little and we were now to expect 95!

When the meeting started, the room was filled with eager pastors, missionaries and children's ministry leaders from a broad range of denominations and churches. After our presentation, we were overwhelmed with the positive response. If you'd been there, you would have overheard comments like this:

"I have been praying specifically for someone to come to help us reach the children in our churches and here you are!"

"After seminary, I looked for a way to serve in the church in children's ministry but was told again and again that children's ministry wasn't valuable. Your message today has reignited that fire to reach the children!"

"Why do we need to wait until January for training? We need help now. Can't you come sooner?"

"We have a vision to reach the children in our churches and in our community, but we don't know how. We need better materials and training if things are going to change."

At the close of the meeting, Krysten and I were asked to come to the front and the whole group laid hands on us and prayed for us. It is impossible to describe the sense of responsibility we felt as these precious people prayed for us in our ministry of assisting them in children's ministry. Over and over since coming to EGM, I have felt the same overwhelming sense that God has me RIGHT where he wants me. Never was that sense clearer than when we stood at the front of that room and felt the power of God's calling to help these godly church leaders in their quest to reach children.

At this point, we plan to conduct a training conference in January. I wonder what else God will do? He certainly exceeds our limited expectations again and again!

Calendar of Events - Please Pray!

September 15 - Julie leaves for Missouri to help with last minute wedding preparations and Joe attends his first EGM board meeting

September 20 - Joe and Jon head for Missouri

September 23 - Elisabeth and Eddie's Wedding Day

September 24 - Joe, Julie and Jon depart for home (that's California now, weird!)

September 25-October 3 - Our first ever International EGM Staff Summit where we'll meet with the regional representatives from each region to get to know one another better, discuss ministry issues and conduct some training. We're hosting the meetings in our home.

October 7 - Joe in Ensenada, Mexico to meet with pastors interested in beginning an EGM ministry in Mexico

October 18-21 - Joe speaks at the EGM Romania Conference

October 22-25 - Joe travels to southern Hungary to meet with EGM team members

October 26-28 - Joe participates in a Master Teacher Workshop in Budapest, Hungary designed for staff and volunteer team members conducting children's ministry training in Eastern Europe

October 29-November 1 - Joe is back in California

November 2-4 - Joe is in Chile to meet with the EGM-Chile board and to speak to an interdenominational group of about 120 pastors who want to know how to build their church's children's ministries.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Prayer Update - 7/16/06

Hello, everyone!

It is so wonderful to know that I can send this email to all of you and count on you to really pray! It is about 11:00pm on Sunday night and we feel very ready for the moving truck to come tomorrow morning. All the boxes are packed and the furniture prepared. North American Van Lines will arrive in the morning to take our belongings and we will depart as soon as the truck is loaded. There have been so many good-byes and yet as we reflect this evening, we find there are many more from whom we wish we could have gotten one more hug! If you're one of those people, please forgive us and just know you're in our hearts. Our hours and physical strength (not to mention emotional strength) fell short as we tried hard to finish well here in Saint Peters.

Here are some specific things to praise God for:

1. We have a house! We're so thankful that God has provided a great house for us in Murrieta as of July 20. We have lots of room and would love to have lots of visitors! Please come.

2. God has provided (through many of you) all the funds needed for our outgoing expenses so we can make the transition to California. Miracle after miracle has occurred to make this possible. The Lord has been so good to confirm our calling again and again throughout the process of support discovery.

3. My trip to Europe in June was fantastic and God showed me in so many ways why He has called us to EGM. Watch for our next newsletter for a full report.

Here are some specific prayer needs:

1. Pray for our trip. Hopefully, we will leave Monday afternoon July 17 and will arrive in Murrieta the evening of July 19. The two words that leap to our minds are safety and sanity. We are looking forward to reconnecting as a family during this time of travel, but will have the joy of transporting our two dogs in the car as well. We've had some car trouble in this last week, but our trusted mechanics have pronounced our car road-worthy, so we begin the journey on faith.

2. Pray for our hearts and those of our children who we are leaving behind in Missouri. The idea of being apart has been a difficult idea to adjust to, but we are all trusting the Lord for His peace and strength as we obey Him in this move and ministry transition. We also leave behind some very dear friends with whom we have deep connections. It's not easy, but God has been so faithful as we have stepped out on faith thus far. How can we not trust Him in this as well?

3. Pray for our belongings to arrive safely and on-time in Murrieta. It's only stuff, but it's the only stuff we've got. The scheduled arrival time is the 24th or 25th of July.

4. Pray for my next trip overseas to Argentina and Chile July 30-August 10. That doesn't give us much time to get things in order before my departure, so your prayers are needed. Pray, too, for the journey to go smoothly and that God's will would be done as I seek to be an encouragement to the children's ministry leaders in these countries for the first time.

We'll be sending another update soon. Thanks so much!

God bless you!

Joe (for the Cox family and EGM)