Friday, September 10, 2010

Cox Newsletter - September 2010

Click on the newsletter for a larger view

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cox Newsletter - May 2010

Click on the Newsletter for a larger view

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Safe At Home

We are safe at home, Praise the Lord.

The EGM Chile office was successfully moved and after all our US moving experiences, it was amazing to see how it is done in Chile. A couple of young men did most of the really heavy lifting but we were also able to make a significant contribution to the process. Working alongside our Chilean teammates through this crisis has given us a new love and appreciation for each one. There's too much to tell but our hearts are full.

Our departure from the Santiago airport was fascinating. They have come up with a very creative and relatively efficient way of taking care of thousands of passengers and are using only a small portion of the building to do it. Check in was in large tents outdoors with giant fans (it was hot!) and we waited in chairs set up under carports where rental cars were normally parked. There was lots of waiting in long lines (we arrived nearly 5 hours before our flight) but our flight was very close to being ontime.

As our airplane took off, we were looking forward to heading home but at the same time had the overwhelming sense that God had accomplished His purposes on the trip and we wouldn't have changed a thing. Even the earthquake itself was a big spiritual blessing to us as we experienced the power of God in a new way and felt His loving arms around us.

You, our praying family, have been a big way God has expressed His presence to us. "Thank you" falls so far short of the feelings in our hearts.

Joe and Julie

Friday, March 5, 2010

Coxes Report 203 Aftershocks Over 4.9 in Chile

Hi, Praying Team:

Thanks for your continued prayers. Reports in yesterday's evening news were that since the big earhquake, there have been 203 aftershocks over 4.9. One was 6.3! We have felt many of them, and some have caused us to get in doorways, but it has seemed relatively calm today. We haven't gotten the news yet today, due to meetings, but things seem to be slowing down in the earthquake department.

We have been meeting with the board the last 2 days. Yesterday, I was able to share from the Word and give an update on our ministry around the world to inspire the team here. Today, I shared again from the Word. The team seemed to respond well to the messages and I was thankful to be able to share with them. It was a great moment for us when the board chairman shared with the group how much it had meant to them when we made no move to leave immediately after the earthquake. He said most visitors were headed for the airport as soon as it was possible to get the first flight out, but we had stayed and that willingness to stay and work through things with them had encouraged them so much.

Several of the board members were not able to attend. Nathy, from the North could not get transportation to the meeting. Margarita from Vina del Mar was told by the government that her apartment building is no longer safe to live in and she was moving today. Another of the board members who lives near the epicenter is a physician and has been working night and day in the hospital. Another (a pastor) was unavailable because a member of his church died and he was providing the funeral today. However, those who WERE able to attend, did the best they could and had a productive meeting organizing the upcoming office move and planning for the future of the ministry.

Tomorrow, we will have our rescheduled children's workers conference simultaneously with the Pastor's meeting. No one knows how many we will have but we will do our best to minister to those who come. Some of the original speakers will not be able to attend so we are doing double duty. The team is ready for anything! Sunday, I will preach twice at two different churches. Pray for God's message to come through, whatever and however He wants to do that.

We have heard that all flights out of Santiago have resumed so we are not anticipating a delay in our return to the US. We are weary but praising God and looking forward to finishing well on this amazing adventure. Thanks for coming with us through prayer. Your emails have meant a great deal to us.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Answered Prayers!!

Dear Praying Friends,

Hello again. I hope I'm not jamming up your inbox too much. For some, a little info is plenty and for others, no amount is enough! Thanks for praying either way!

Our teammate, Krysten Norkaitis, arrived today in Santiago from Lima, Peru. We had been told the airport would not be open but they surprised us and she arrived safely today. She took her luggage plane-side and dragged it all the way to immigration, which was also outdoors, on the sidewalk, as the building is damaged and unsafe. We are glad she's here!! Also, an open airport means we will most likely be able to return on time to the States. Please keep this in your prayers, especially as our departure date gets closer.

Our coworker, Daniel Gonzalez, who was trying to get to his family in the South of Chile called a few minutes ago to let us know that he has a ticket for the morning to Santiago. He found some friends in Santiago who opened their home to him while he waited. He is fatigued but relieved. We are happy for him. We told him how many were praying and he was so very thankful for each prayer offered on his behalf.

We have just been told that we will have no running water for the next two days. Water supplies are being shut off in three major cities (including the area where we are) so that repairs can be completed. It is strange to us but to everyone else around us, it seems to be an acceptable way to proceed.

I had shared in an early email that the EGM office here had survived the earthquake without harm, but we went to the office after that and found things to be very different. The officials have ruled the highrise building where the EGM office is located to be unsafe. Though the building was taped off with caution tape, we were given a full tour and even had a meeting for a few hours in the building. The aftershocks continue and it was interesting to be on othe sixth floor of an unsafe building during a strong aftershock!

The EGM ministry was in the process of moving to a new facility but had been held up with government red tape. Now, rules are being bent everywhere and it appears that they may be able to move right into their new building and we may be able to help with the move the day before we depart. God is so faithful. Please pray everything will work out. They are temporarily officing in a Sunday school classroom in one of the local churches, but it is VERY temporary.

Julie had a wonderful meeting with a big group of women today and her message of hope was so very well received. The leaders told us afterward that everyone was buzzing about her talk and that it had really touched hearts. We also met with the team that is working on the EGM Chile curriculum project and we were so encouraged with their willing hearts and determined spirits. The ministry here in Chile will not be stopped....Praise God!!

Bless you for standing with us in prayer!!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Update from Joe in Chile - Sunday, Feb 28

Dear Praying Friends,

We finally have internet access! Hooray! We have missed not being able to keep you updated but have definitely felt your prayers and love. When I was finally able to connect to the internet, my inbox was full of good wishes and promises of prayer. We're thankful for our children and our coworkers who worked together to keep you updated with little pieces of information we passed to them in very brief phone calls here and there. Now you are able to get it "from the horse's mouth."

We are doing well and have so much to be thankful for and I want to let you know how God is answering your prayers and give you some more things to bring before God's throne. It's been interesting to follow the Lord through these days, but we are at complete peace and trusting Him.

Our EGM team here in Chile has responded to the challenges with real grace and strength. It seems that our EGM office did not sustain any structural damage, but our director has shared with me that most of what was on a flat surface is on the floor. Our meetings for tomorrow have been cancelled because of the damage to the office and because some of the team members are having difficulty with transportation. The buses are not running and bridge and road damage has resulted in road closures. Even commuter trains are not running due to power outages. The gas stations are packed with people trying to get gas so transportation is certainly in question. We will join the team at the office in the morning to assess the damage and do some initial clean up work.

As far as what is going on in the country is concerned, those of you in the United States are probably better informed than I am. Communication has been very bad within the country with cell phone systems overloaded, power outages, etc. Without internet until today, our only source of information has been word-of-mouth and watching Spanish news reports using a small Spanish-English dictionary to figure out the highlights.

I can tell you that our team and their families are safe and well and determined to keep working through all this. Though the ministry schedule changes continually, I can really see their hearts to remain faithful to the Lord in this time for the sake of the children, children's workers and churches that are looking to them for help with children's ministry. Our director, Daniel Lagos, told me today that "we MUST go forward with rescheduling the children's workers training because the churches are depending on us for help."

Our time in the church this morning was really great. The children's ministry program was cancelled because the aftershocks which still occur are causing people to keep their children at home. In addition, there was a wall in the children's classroom area that was damaged so there was no place for them to meet. The people arranged themselves in areas of the auditorium where there were no lights to fall upon them (several had fallen during the quake) and we were given evacuation instructions as the service began. We met without electricity so there were no lights or sound system, but GOD'S power was evident! I felt an unusual outpouring of God's Spirit upon me as I shared with the people from Matthew 17:1-20 that the God who can move the mountains wants to move in our lives as we serve Him reaching the lost all around us.

Some prayer needs:

1. Our co-worker, Krysten Norkaitis, is still trying to get to Chile from Peru in time for our board meetings Thursday and Friday. The airport is closed at this time and the date it will be re-opened keeps moving. While she waits, she is trying to be an encouragement and help to our Peru team, but is anxious to get to Chile if God is willing.

2. We still have not heard from our teammate Daniel Gonzales. When he left Vina del Mar for Santiago, he went to the place where the ground transportation could be organized and found a massive crowd of frustrated people. While he was standing there trying to decide what to do, someone drove by and said, "Do you want to go to Santiago? We will take you!" He jumped in the car and they left, but we have not heard if he arrived in Santiago. At this point, his only hope for getting home to his family in the South is by air from Santiago where the airports are closed.

3. We want to be a blessing to the team here and to the family that has opened their home to us. We originally planned to be in a hotel for at least part of the time, but that is now impossible and we are so thankful for our hosts. They have been very kind.

4. We are seeking God's direction for decisions regarding the ministry events that were planned. God knows.

At a time like this, we are counting on your prayers more than ever before. As we have more news, we will update you.

Joe and Julie

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Update from Joe and Julie - Saturday, Feb 27

Dear Praying Friends,

You may have heard that there has been an earthquake in Chile. We know you have already been praying for us and we thank you. Before we go much further, we want to say that we are safe and are praising the Lord.

The epicenter of the earthquake was actually in the south of Chile and we are in central Chile. We definitely had the full earthquake experience in our area and it was a very scary thing to go through. The city of Vina del Mar and neighboring Valparaiso, where our EGM office is, has sustained considerable damage. The aftershocks continue every few minutes to remind us of God’s power.

The earthquake hit at about 3:30am and we were scheduled to conduct a children’s worker conference at 9:30am. Still reeling from the effects of the quake, we were encouraged by our Chilean director to come ahead to the conference location. So much preparation has gone into preparing for the conference; it was hard for the team here to cancel. When we arrived a few minutes late, we found three teachers waiting for us that had traveled three hours to come to the training. Just as they arrived at the church, a strong aftershock occurred but even that did not deter them. We couldn’t just send them home after such an effort so a mini-seminar was given for just them. What dedication!

In addition to praising God for His protection, here are a couple of prayer requests we would appreciate you remembering.

1. One of the EGM staff members, Daniel Gonzalez, lives very near the worst of the devastation. He had traveled up to meet us and is desperately trying to get home to his family. So many bridges are out that buses are not running and the airport is closed. He is also a pastor of a local church and is anxious to return to his home area so he can be a support to his church family.

2. We need wisdom regarding how to continue with our trip. God has us here at this time for a reason and we want to accomplish His purposes, whatever that might be. We are taking it an hour at a time at this point.

3. Our team member, Krysten, who was to arrive today will not be able to get here from Lima, so we are also trusting God for direction in that situation.

4. Pray that we can communicate well with the Chilean family with whom we are staying. They are amazing but we have had our challenges with the language barrier.

If we get internet again, we’ll try to update you. Thanks for praying!

Joe and Julie

Monday, February 15, 2010

Prayer Request

Dear Praying Friends,

We believe God has called our prayer partners to serve just as surely as He has called us to serve with EGM! We need your constant prayer and count on it but are especially mindful of that need when we are traveling internationally. We’re heading to South America! Would you like to come with us through prayer? Please do!

This trip is one Julie has dreamed of since she was a 6th grader when she learned about South America in school. Our trip was originally taken off the docket because of budget concerns, but God moved in the heart of a family who has prayed for us and supported us in the ministry for many years. They donated enough airline miles to completely cover the airfare for the trip, making it possible for us to go. We are humbled and thankful for this wonderful gift.

Following is a detailed itinerary of our trip and we’d love to know that you will follow us in prayer. Please post this itinerary somewhere where you will see it, then let us know you will be remembering to pray often. We’ve heard that our itineraries have been placed in lots of creative places! Whether on the bathroom mirror, on the kitchen window above the sink, on the refrigerator, on the dashboard of the car or propped on top of the TV, we love it that you are committed to remembering us before the Lord!

As you review the itinerary you will see that the trip is totally packed with opportunities. It’s also loaded with chances for the enemy to have an inroad. We’ll give you a full report of the trip when we return. If we have access to the internet, we will also give you updates along the way.

We treasure your partnership in the ministry.

Joe and Julie


Here’s a daily summary of what we are up to. Of course, these are just the highlights and speaking engagements. There’s lots more going on every day, but it’s too much to write here. Pray as you feel led and listen to the Lord. He’ll remind you to pray when it’s most important!

Tuesday, February 23
Joe and Julie fly to Lima, Peru (overnight flight). Krysten Norkaitis, EGM’s Latin America regional director will also be with us on this trip. Pray we will be a united and effective team.

Wednesday, February 24
We will meet today with some of the Peruvians who have agreed to serve on the board for our brand new EGM ministry in Peru. We will also catch up with EGM team members John and Heather Chapman, who have been living in Lima and helping this new baby ministry get started. Since this is our first trip to Peru, we are asking God to show us HIS heart for the Peruvian churches, children’s workers and children. Pray also that we can be a blessing to the Chapman’s.

Thursday, February 25
We will meet with more new board members and spend time with the Chapman’s. In the evening, we will participate in a children’s meeting and then share with adults about the international work of EGM. Pray we can be an encouragement to those we meet with and have wisdom to be a resource to these precious leaders. Pray, too, that we can see the Peruvian children the way God sees them.

Friday, February 26
Today, the Peruvian board will have their first official meeting and the ministry in Peru will launch! Unfortunately, we will miss this meeting, but our coworker, Krysten Norkaitis will be staying on with the Chapman’s for the big event. It’s great to have a team! We must fly on to Santiago, Chile, and then travel by car to the coastal city of Vina del Mar, where our EGM office and team is located. In the evening we will meet with those who have organized a children’s workers conference in which we will participate the following day. Pray for safety in the travel and for rest as we stay with a Chilean family. The Chile part of the trip is a whirlwind of activity!

Saturday, February 27
The conference will run from 8:45am to 6pm. Julie and Joe will both share with attendees about the work of EGM around the world as well as workshops on the biblical methods for working with children. Pray for us to have lots of energy and enthusiasm. Also, pray for good understanding among the teachers attending the conference as we will speak through translators.

Sunday, February 28
We will observe Sunday school classes of those who have received EGM training, and then Joe will preach in a church in Villa Alemania, just outside Vina del Mar. Pray for God’s message to be clear as Joe shares about God’s heart for children.

Monday, March 1
In the morning, we will meet with those who organize the EGM training throughout Chile, to share new ideas and provide counsel on their programs. In the afternoon we will meet with the Executive Director, Board Chairman and Treasurer to discuss ministry issues. One area we hope to encourage them in is developing funding for the work from within Chile. In the evening, Julie will share with all the women (about 20) who are involved with EGM-Chile leadership. This is a long day of meetings and we want to have God’s agenda for each one of the gatherings. Pray for Julie to have God’s wisdom as she shares with the women.

Tuesday, March 2
In the morning we will meet with the team that has been working on developing a Chilean EGM Sunday school curriculum. They have completed one year of lessons for three age groups! Pray that we can encourage and inspire them as they look forward to working on the next two years of curriculum. In the afternoon, Julie will speak to about 50 women at the church of one of our EGM staff members, and asks for prayer for the message to cross the cultural barriers to touch the hearts of the women.

Wednesday, March 3
We will enjoy a day of touring the area and resting. Whew!

Thursday, March 4
Joe will speak throughout the day at the EGM Chile Board Retreat, sharing from the Word of God and also presenting material on important ministry concerns. The day will be full. Pray for endurance today and for fresh truths from God’s Word to touch hearts.

Friday, March 5
Today is the EGM Chile Board Meeting and Joe will teach from the Word again and be available during the meeting to provide counsel and also to support Krysten in her role as the EGM-US representative on the board. Pray that our presence in the board meeting will be a blessing to those in attendance.

Saturday, March 6
A large fellowship of pastors from throughout the region will be gathered together for a full day to hear Joe and Krysten share about how EGM has been used of the Lord throughout Latin America and how the Chilean ministry can help them with effective children’s ministry. Pray these leaders will catch God’s vision for the children in their churches and communities.

Sunday, March 7
We will observe Sunday school classes of those who have received EGM training, and then Joe will preach in two churches (in Belloto Sur and in Valparaiso). Pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit as Joe shares from God’s Word about the importance of children’s ministry.

Monday, March 8
We will travel back to Santiago and take another overnight flight back to the US. We will arrive the next morning in San Diego. Pray for readjustment to our time zone and for refreshment physically.