Sunday, March 25, 2007
Prayer Update 3/25/07
Dear Prayer Partners,
This afternoon, I feel so blessed to be able to email you from Oradea, Romania! I really need your prayers at this time, so even though you just got a newsletter from Julie and me, I thought I'd send along this prayer reminder email.
HEALTH ISSUES: Almost 2 weeks ago, I had a minor surgical procedure called "somnoplasty" done on my nasal passages. This was done to help with my chronic sinus infections over the last several years. The simple procedure went well, with the exception of a strange reaction to the anesthetic. However, following the surgery, I immediately got sick with a coughing/fever thing. It was so frustrating because I was trying to prepare for the trip I am now on, but was so ill, I could barely sit up to work at the computer at times. Beginning early this week, I slowly improved and was able to get on the airplane to Bucharest, Romania on Wednesday morning. I am feeling much better than I was, but still am still not 100%, so please pray for me in this area as international travel can be taxing under even the best circumstances.
MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY # 1: Your prayers and gifts have made it possible once again for me to be in Romania for two wonderful events. The first event was completed this weekend - a children's worker's conference in Bucharest. About 45 children's workers gathered for the 2-day training conference. What a blessing to be with them. About 5 of the attendees were teachers I had met when I was in Romania last October, so that was a real blessing to see them "coming back for more" and really IMPLEMENTING what they have learned. For many who attended, it was their first exposure to training on true transformational Bible teaching in children's ministry. Some were discouraged because they had received NO encouragement from their church leaders. Many were looking for curriculum resources - a need we hope to meet in the near future. One pastor who came even said he plans to use some of the principles as he prepares sermons for adults. Imagine that!
MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY #2: My second goal while here in Romania is to host the first ever International Director's Summit - a week long meeting of our directors from around the world. All our Every Generation Ministries countries will be represented and we feel this is a critical time to bring the international team together as we move toward to the future. I believe this time will be a landmark event for us and will positively impact our future growth and development of the ministry. One of the major topics will be the International Curriculum Initiative, EGM's answer to the worldwide call from children's workers for culturally relevant children's ministry curriculum. Please pray for relationships to develop and for God's wisdom to prevail as we work through several thorny issues.
UPCOMING TRAVEL: I will arrive back in California on April 2nd and will be traveling to Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt April 8-15 for board meetings, staff development and a children's worker's conference. Our family enjoyed having all of February and most of March together at home and we were able to host lots of folks in our home during that time. However, it is never easy to say goodbye. In the true Christian spirit of sharing, I gave my cold (or whatever it was) to Julie and Jon so they were sick when I left. We are always counting on your prayers for ALL of us (Joe, Julie and Jonathan) when I am away on ministry trips.
With love and appreciation for your partnership in ministry,
PS: Our conference is being held in a humble little hotel called Vila Elim. It's very clean and comfortable and perfect for our needs. We meet and eat in the dining room. Amazingly the price is only $26 dollars per room per day (USD) including 3 meals for all who stay! One of the local church members owns it and is giving us a special price because they believe in EGM's ministry. If you're interested in seeing what a Romanian hotel looks like, check this link:
Thursday, March 1, 2007
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